
We have been visiting Ethiopia and Yirgacheffe since 2012, paying very close attention to the hilly areas around the small village of Idido. This area is not only extremely high inĀ altitude with just about all the coffee higher than 1900 meters, it is also cooler than other parts of Yirgacheffe with similar altitudes. This cooler climate extends the maturation of the coffees in this area and adds density, sweetness and complexity to the already amazing climate of the Gedeo zone.

Over the past few years, we heard whispers of a new cooperative forming around the village of Idido and were excited to confirm this on our last visit. The Charbanta Cooperative is located a few kilometers up the hill from Idido town at an impressive altitude of 2120 meters. They are collecting cherry from three different Kebeles: Charbanta, Laba Gasha and Edene Mucturi---all of which are located in Bole. There are only 250 members here, compared to the neighboring Idido Cooperative that has more than 3000.

In their third year of production, Charbanta is only producing natural, sun-dried coffees given that the equipment to invest in washing coffee is quite expensive. This year, the cooperative was able to collect cherry for the entire harvest season, thereby quadrupling their production. The good news is that means that we have more of this delicious coffee to go around.

-Information courtesy of Kickapoo Coffee



Varietals Grown:

  • (no 0%)